Shrugging Puabi thought for a moment. "One of my nieces works in the temple. Bright girl name of En-Gula. She knows when to keep her peace. " Then she winked and nudged Ninani broadly in the ribs. "And I hear she's just the girl to talk to about those other matters that you're not yet interested in. From all accounts she's got a few effective methods of giving pleasure to a man "I would like to see her today " the princess said pointedly. Throwing up her hands in.
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If all the closed buildings were this hot inside he mused the livery barns would soon not be the only burned-out hulks. And with no rain to stop the flames (and certainly no volunteer fire department not any more) the town would not be long for the face of the earth. He stepped inside trying to sip at the stifling air rather than taking deep breaths. He immediately heard the low drone of flies. There was a single cell commodious and empty its barred door standing open. Filthy skin-shoes one of the pair coming unsewn lay beneath a bunk sodden with the same dried maroon stuff which had marked The Bustling Pig. Here was where the flies were crawling over the stain feeding from it. On the desk was a ledger. Roland turned it towards him and read what was embossed upon its red cover: REGISTRY OF MISDEEDS & REDRESS IN THE YEARS OF OUR LORD ELURIA So now he knew the name of the town at least - Eluria. Pretty yet somehow.
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